QuickTime Information

Parameter Reference

QuickTime Parameter Reference
Parameter Description Values QT
© 2004 by Age Bosma
General QuickTime Parameters
height Specifies the height of the movie. If you don't use the 'scale' parameter and you supply a height that's smaller than the actual height of the movie, the movie will be cropped.
  • integer value size in pixels, add 16 to show controller
src Defines the URI to the file for the plug-in to play.
  • URI
width Specifies the with of the movie.
  • integer value size in pixels
autohref Causes any URI specified in the 'href' parameter to load immediately, without waiting for a mouse click.
  • true
  • false default value
autoplay Causes the movie to start playing as soon as the plug-in estimates that it will be able to play the entire movie without waiting for additional data.
  • true
  • false
    default user depended
bgcolor Specifies the background colour for any space that isn't taken by the movie.
<param name="bgcolor" value="#008080" />
or value="teal"
cache Enables the browser to cache movies.
  • no value required = true
  • true
  • false
    default user depended
controller Sets the visibility of the movie controller. If set to 'false', the movie controller won't be displayed.
  • true default value
  • false default value for VR movies
dontflattenwhensaving Makes the plug-ins' 'Save as QuickTime movie' work the same way the 'Save as sourece' does. Adding this parameter saves the data into a movie file without flattening it.
  • no value required = true
<param name="dontflattenwhensaving" />
enablejavascript Enables you to control a QuickTime movie using JavaScript functions.
  • true
  • false default value
endtime Defines the last frame of the movie to end the movie.
  • Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames int:int:int:float (30ths)
3:30:22.5 = 3 minutes, 30 seconds and 22.5 frames
goton Assigns a target URI location. See 'qtnextn' parameter for further details.
  • n = integer value up to 256
  • T<string value> any frame name
  • URI
<param name="goto2" value="http://fakeurl.com/movie2.mov" />
or value="<http://fakeurl.com> T<myself>"
hidden Controls the visibility of the movie. e.g. for sound-only movies.
  • no value required = true
href Provides a link to another page or movie when the movie is clicked on.
  • URI
<param name="href" value="http://fakeurl.com" />
or value="http://fakeurl.com/movie.mov"
kioskmode When set to 'true', the plug-in doesn't include its pop-up menu in the movie controller and doesn't allow drag and drop to save the movie.
  • true
  • false default value
loop Makes the movie play continuously.
  • true
  • false default value
  • palindrome
movieid Assigns a movie ID to a movie to enable any wired action to target an parameter of another open movie. This means two movies within the same webpage can communicate using the plug-in. e.g. one movie can act as a controller for another movie setting things such as it's rate or volume in stead of using JavaScript.
  • integer value
moviename Assigns a movie Name to a movie. See 'movieid' parameter.
  • string value
playeveryframe Causes the movie to play every frame of the movie even if it's necessary to play at a slower rate to do so.
  • true
  • false default value
pluginspage Specifies a URI from which the user can fetch the necessary plug-in if it's not installed.
  • URI
    set to http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/ for latest plug-in download
prefixhost Used to fix a bug with the QuickTime 2.x plug-in on Windows platforms. Setting this parameter to 'true' automatically adds the http host name at the beginning of each dynamic URI.
  • true
  • false default value
qtnextn Specifies the URI of a movie to load and play or a website to be shown at the end of the current movie. Also, the target of the page or movie can be specified. If so, the URI and target have to be placed between angle brackets.
  • n = integer value up to 256
  • goton
  • T<string value> any frame name
  • URI
<param name="qtnext2" value="http://fakeurl.com/movie2.mov" />
or value="goto12"
or value="<http://fakeurl.com> T<myself>"
qtsrc Forces a browser to use the QuickTime plug-in for a file no matter what its MIME-type is. The parameter ignores any data loaded by the browser from the 'src' parameter.
  • URI
or value="http://fakeurl.com/sound.ogg"
qtsrcchokespeed Gives the ability to specify the datarate of a movie being served regardless of the connection speed an end user has.
  • integer value number of bits per second
qtsrcdontusebrowser Causes the URI specified in the 'qtsrc' parameter to load using QuickTime's internal methods, instead of using the browser to fetch the file.
  • true
  • false default value
scale Enables you to scale the movie.
  • tofit
  • aspect
  • float value
<param name="scale" value="1.5" />
starttime Defines the first frame of the movie to start from.
  • Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames int:int:int:float (30ths)
3:30:22.5 = 3 minutes, 30 seconds and 22.5 frames
targetn Used in conjunction with the 'hotspotn' or 'href' parameter to specify the target of the specified URI.
  • n = integer value
  • _self
  • _top
  • _parent
  • _blank
  • string value any frame name
target With the value 'quicktimeplayer' the movie specified in the 'href' parameter will be launched in the QuickTime Player. With the value 'myself' the 'src' parameter will be replaced with value of the 'href' parameter on click.
  • quicktimeplayer href parameter required
  • myself href parameter required
targetcache Allow's you to cache the movie the poster movie is targetting.
  • true
  • false default value
type Specifies the MIME-type of the file to load, which in turn determines which plug-in to load.
  • MIME-type of source file
<param name="type" value="video/quicktime" />
urlsubstituten Replaces every instance of the specified string with the specified URI inside any 'href' tracks, sprite URIs, or VR hotspot URIs. Both String and SubstituteURI must be surrounded by angle brackets, and the two must be separated by a colon.
  • n = integer value 1 to 999
  • string value
  • URI
<param name="urlsubstitute17" value="<samplestring>: <http://fakeurl.com/movie.mov>" />
volume Sets the movie's initial audio volume.
  • integer value 0 to 100
QuickTime VR Parameters
correction Control the angle of display.
  • none
  • partial
  • full default value
fov Allows you to specify the initial field of view angle.
  • integer value 8 to 64
hotspotn Enables clicking on a hotspot with the specifies ID in a VR panorama to take the user to the specified URI.
  • n = hotspot ID defined in QuickTime VR authoring tools
  • URI
<param name="hotspot17" value="http://fakeurl.com" />
node Specifies the initial node for a multi-node QuickTime VR movie.
  • integer value
pan Specifies the initial pan angle for a QuickTime VR movie.
  • integer value typically 0 to 360
tilt Specifies the initial tilt angle for a QuickTime VR movie.
  • integer value typically -42.5 to 42.5